Category: Episode

  • True Crime TLDR: The Career Girls Murder

    It’s a Lesliesode!!! This week’s double sized TLDR takes you through the murders of Emily Hoffert & Janice Wylie, deemed the Career Girls Murder. It’s a windy, twisty road that finally leads us to justice – but not without really f-ing up first.    Click To Learn More,1966%20ruling%20in%20Miranda%20v.,33009,898388,00.html…

  • Road To Nowhere (The Disappearance of Brandon Swanson)

    Shortly after midnight on May 14, 2008, 19 year old Brandon Swanson left a going away party for a friend. He started off on the half hour drive home to his parents house in Marshall Minnesota, taking back roads through dark cornfields when he found himself in unfamiliar territory. Brandon tried to turn his car…

  • Folie à Deux Minus One ( TLDR Anna Stubblefield and Derrick Johnson)

      This week’s super sized TLDR takes you through the complicated, one sided love story of Anna Stubblefield and Derrick Johnson. It’s the story that inspired the much talked about Netflix Documentary: Tell Them You Love Me. Click To Learn MoreClick here to watch “Tell Them You Love Me” on Netflix   WWBD Merch Buy…

  • The Trail’s Gone Cold (The Disappearance and Murder of Angela Nicole Bradbury)

    Mitchell County Iowa, July 12th 2021, 5:27 PM. A local girl was taking a walk down the Greenbelt River Trail when something strange and terrifying caught her attention. She looked once, rubbed her eyes thinking she must be seeing things, and then looked again. Upon further inspection it was clear that no she wasn’t seeing…

  • True Crime TLDR: Gay Nazis (Ernst Röhm and the Eldorado Cabaret)

    Happy Pride Fiends! Alright we know it’s July, but we had one more pride episode on the books so we’re giving it to you anyway. This one is for the musical theater fans! Before The stonewall there was the Edorado Cabaret, a german, multi locational, enlightened, anything goes wonderland where liberation was was abundant. We…

  • Be Gay Do Crime (The Stonewall Uprising)

    Happy Pride Fiends! WWBD whole heartedly supports the LGBTQ+ community and so, we decided that it was time we covered the event that launched what we know today as Pride, The Stonewall Uprising. As we all know, Pride was first and foremost a protest, but the events that lead up to that protest might just…

  • Halfoween 4! (An Attack on Leslie)

    Happy Halfoween fiends! It’s time once again to brin you stories that explore our deepest, darkest, squirmiest fears!  Join Holly, Leslie and fiend favorite John Rattacasa as they bring you a smorgasbord of scary stories.   WWBD Merch Buy your WWBD swag here!  Join the Conversation       

  • Case File TLDR (Amber Hagerman, AMBER alert)

    WEEKLY CONTENT IS BACK! Ever wish you knew more about the cases the rest of the world has analyzed without you? Often, when cases are fully developed and researched, there’s just too much information to take in at once. It can be overwhelming! Don’t worry, you’ve come to the right place. Welcome to Case File…

  • Cover Girl Interrupted (The Ivory Soap Murders)

    In 1937 Pin up party girl Veronica Gedeon was a fixture in the pages of many true crime magazines. Her blond hair, bright eyes and slender figure were sure to sell more copies of whatever pulp periodical cover she graced on any given week that all of its competitors combined. So, when Veronica was discovered…

  • Pick A Crime (St. Patrick’s Day Live Campfire 2024)

    Welcome to our live game of Irish True Crime Roulette! This year’s St. Patrick’s Day livestream featured 3 classic Irish true crime stories from the book Foster’s Book of Irish Murder. All three were picked at random, live, with the help of our fiends, and as usual feature some lively color commentary. We are happy…