One Sneaker (The Disappearance of Mark Himebaugh)
It’s our 200th episode, so today we will be covering our number one most requested case, The Disappearance of Mark Himebaugh. On November 25th 1991, Mark disappeared from the Sunray…
It’s our 200th episode, so today we will be covering our number one most requested case, The Disappearance of Mark Himebaugh. On November 25th 1991, Mark disappeared from the Sunray…
Tighten up your corsets and starch those high collars because this week we’re going old timey! The mystery of who killed Charlie Bravo has captured the minds of both armchair…
This week we are rebroadcasting our episode on Count Dracula! The Nosferatu craze has gotten ahold of us too. Enjoy! ———– There is much about the myth of the vampire…
On Christmas Eve 1945 in the quiet little town of Fayetteville West Virginia, Jennie Sodder awoke just after one in the morning to find her little farm house filled with…
We promised we aren’t becoming a rebroadcast podcast haha. We will be back soon with a brand new episode! Until then, enjoy our holiday spooky cheer with another best of…
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